Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Step 1

Well I made it out of Hanover. I didn't get far though. I am currently staying with Alice and Greg in their apartment near Central Square in Cambridge. I first packed up all my belongs into my truck and parked myself in behind the Ledyard Canoe Club.

Well I almost fit everything in there. I forgot that my guitar was sitting down in the Ledyard Clubhouse. Since I didn't want to store that in my truck for 3 months anyway I gave it to Prof. Simon Shepherd from Thayer to guitar sit for the time I'm in Nepal. He has been playing an electric guitar for some time now, but I figured a few months on a acoustic might be a nice change.

I took the Dartmouth Coach down to Boston with all my things, but leaving was not an easy task. In the packing process my wallet had fallen into a box that then got put in my truck. I couldn't find my wallet anywhere when I woke up and ran around to various places trying to find it. With about 10 minutes until the 9am bus was leaving for Boston I finally found it and Parker rushed me up to the bus stop. Not exactly a confidence inspiring departure. But nonetheless I left and showed up in Boston to fun some final errands and see some people for the last time.

Alice, Greg, and I had a fancy real person dinner. Greg just got health insurance, Alice just registered her car in Mass and got a Mass drivers license. It's like they are actual adults or something. I made breaded chicken stuffed with cheese (though must of the cheese oozed out in the oven) and Alice made a great roasted veggie salad. Then Greg and I went down to a local pizza place/sports bar to watch the All-Star game (baseball fyi). Greg, as a Yankees fan, realized it would be quite easy to get into a bar fight there if he wanted to - luckily he kept quiet when the Bostonians were making fun of Derek Jeter.

Earlier in the day I ran around Boston doing errands: mailing things, getting a water filter, buying new running shoes since mine somehow apparated in my move (yes the last Harry Potter movie is coming out soon and no, I probably won't be able to see it in Nepal).

Overall a great day! Only a day and a half left in the USA!

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