Thursday, July 14, 2011

Silly Timezones and Dates

Whoops... Turns out that my ticket from Delhi to Kathmandu was booked a day early, not really a big deal as I was able to call Jet Airways (which took a bit of time to find a phone number) and get the flight changed for 800 Rupees total (<$20). But it was a minor panic moment when I couldn't get let onto the plane until I had that straightened out. But I have a ticket all the way to Kathmandu – my bag is checked all the way through and I have a seat on each leg of my flight. My backpack weighed a total of 25 lbs. My carry on was about 20 lbs, about 8 lbs of that is snacks. Not bad for 3 months.

Lately I have been having trouble connecting to the internet on my computer. It eventually goes but it's like my computer has to have a couple dates (connections and disconnections) before it's willing to go all the way and give me e-mail access. Not sure if that's a problem with Linux, the fact I have a $250 computer, or, most likely, a combination of both. If any Linux users have any ideas, let me know.

Big thank you to Greg and Alice for letting me crash on their floor and hang out for the past two days.

Last thing is a funny quote from the TSA agent checking ID's. As some of you know, my passport photo is of me with a very large beard that I grew for the second half of senior year of high school. After looking at me and the passport: “Don't need that mountain-man beard anymore now that you're out of Alaska?”

Okay well it was more funny in context...


  1. Swoon you posted the same post twice! takes your internet a few dates before it's willing to go all the way, eh?


  2. Aoife, you are not funny.

