Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm in Nepal!

So I've gotten to Kathmandu with only minor headaches stemming from my inability to tell dates apart. I was helped out quite a bit by a girl who sat next to me on my London to Delhi flight who was also going to Kathmandu. I got to Kathmandu and the Tibet Guest House sent a driver so I wouldn't have to get ripped off by the cab drivers. On the way into town we got a flat, which we luckily had a spare for. I got to my no-frills room with a shower, a few TV stations, and a fan. I did a lot of sleeping in the day because Nepal is a nice 10 hours and 45 minutes different from the east coast. After a few days I'm getting much better.

I guess I should start again where I left off in Boston.

After I finished posting, I got called up to the desk. "Oh great, I'm getting bumped" I thought, but to my surprised I got moved to an exit row window seat so they could seat a family together. Even better, when I got on the plane there were power plugs so I could waste my inter-continental flight watching bad American movies. I got a great view of the sunset on my way across the Atlantic.

Not too many hours later I looked out to see the sunrise.

I arrived in London for quite the shock. Apparently the main focus of international travel is to go shopping. I could by a $3500 camera, handles and handles of booze, or a diamond necklace all within a few feet. Instead of spending all of my money on things I really didn't need I grabbed a bench seat over in a far corner or the terminal and spent the vast majority of my 10 hours in the airport sleeping.

After I landed in Delhi, I navigated the bureaucracy of the Indian airport. All the while being looked over by soldiers with sub-machine guns. And now we're back to where I started. I've been spending my morning walking around Kathmandu, trying to get out of the touristy Thamel. I got quite lost this morning but after walking in a really really big circle I came back to somewhere I recognized and continued on my 45 minute walk up to the WWF. There are a few other interns at the WWF in Nepal, they are all doing policy writeups. I will be shipped off soon to Kathmandu University, which from what I can tell is not actually in Kathmandu. At KU I will be working on improved cooking stoves and how the work they've done there can be of help to the WWF.

I'll part with this shot I took last night from the top of the Tibet Guest House.

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