Sunday, October 23, 2011

Settled Back in the USA

I've now made my way over oceans and continents and ice caps and am back in Hanover. After much internal debate, I opened up an account at to post pictures. They have unlimited storage space so I can use it as another backup and the interface makes viewing pictures much better than here on my blog or on Picasa.

So hop on over and take a look. You'll see many familiar photos from here, plus some more. And TONS more from the trek.

My future plans involve fixing up my truck a bit and driving out west to visit friends and family before going back home for Thanksgiving. This winter I will be working in Alta, UT. If anyone is coming that way and wants help finding a place to crash, or someone to ski with, let me know.

So for the time being I'll probably be neglecting the blog, but who knows it may come back with a vengeance this winter.

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